My time at training is coming to a close. Over the last 8 weeks I've had some amazing conversations with people who have been to TZ first hand. These talks only lead to heighten my excitement. Triumphs or trails, we talked about them all. I have truly lived Hebrews 13:2 being here.
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,
for by so doing some people have shown hospitality
to angels without knowing it."
My information limit has defiantly been reached. But I look back and there is a few things I wish I had known prior to coming here (in random order).
- over thinking only causes over stressing... stay away.
-do your pr@yer card before you come
- give the parents around you a break every once in a while.
- pick a team that will stretch you, not just what you already know how to do.
- blow off steam in the resources they give you... ie. quilting quad, intramural sports
- Explore the area! Short pump is a great place, but try the sketchy side of town too.
- Eat at Mama J's... order the catfish, you wont be sorry.
- Visit Carl's Ice Cream in Fredricksburg- once again you won't be sorry.
- DC is not a scary drive or visit, just plan ahead.
- Go to a Squirrels game! ( this is not something I got to do, but wish I had)
- Get to know the staff! They are a great resource and joy to be around!
- if you get a chance, visit the home office- its pretty cool.
"You are not alone in this, as brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand."
- Mumford and Sons