Oct 15, 2011

Its been a while ....

The first week of October was Orientation for the students. Over 2,000+ new freshman flooded the campus. It was amazing to see the chaos of no one really having a clue what was going on. Some didn't even know until the first day if they were even approved for admittance. We tried to get involved as much as we could. (By "We" I mean myself and the new married couple I am working with.) In the evenings we would venture to the sports fields but students were few... many found themselves standing in an ATM line for hours in order to pay their fees. We ate lunch in the Caf on day and walked all over campus, because we too are learning the lay out. On Thursday of the week we were given an opportunity to speak with other evangelical groups on campus about who are and what we are doing. I shared The Message's version of Matthew 7:13 and explained how this is a opportunity to be who ever you want to be and we want to help them be the person the Father wants them to be.

"Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention."

The next day I wound up in the hospital for 3 days with Amebas and Dysentery. I am fine now, but it was a long hard road to recovery. I have never been so sick in my life and would never wish anyone what I experienced. It was amazing to see the way my M family here and Students at the University wrapped their arms around me while my family was many miles away.

I am feeling much like myself again and gaining my strength back. This next month the family that I am working with will be finally moving here and we will begin full on at the campus. There are many doors open for us in the field of recreation we are so excited about.