Jan 22, 2012

Half Way Point

This week, a year ago my journey started. I got into my now sold PT Cruiser and headed for Rockville, VA for training. In April I boarded a plane thinking I was a team of 1 and God had much greater plans. In October my lonesome self became a team of 3 and joined the Recreation staff at the university where we could better interact with the students.

Now one year later the Lord has blessed me and taught far more than I could have ever imagined.

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. " Eph. 3:20

This Wednesday our team of 3 will become a team of 7 . We have 4 Hands On students coming to work with us. This means that these 4 college students have surrendered a semester of their lives to be used to greater His kingdom. Our prayer is that they will be greatly excel in their time here, feel at home, and walk away with not only a love for this place and these students but a greater love for Christ.

2012 has much, MUCH in store and I am ready to take it on. My prayer this year is not to just survive but to THRIVE in Christ.