The Plattos are moving to Dar and have begun working with me at the University. Nate and I have begun teaching classes officially in the PE and Rec department. We teach 4 days a week- - Volleyball, Tennis, Table Tennis, and Ultimate Frisbee. I would say I’m “livin the dream.” I never thought we would be fully teaching classes with students there as a gateway to relationships. Oh how the Lord knew to prompt my heart for a degree in Church Rec, 3 years ago. The students are very receptive of us teaching. Even though its like a million degrees, we are having a blast with this.
School has started again at UDSM. All my old friends are back and the fresh new faces of new students. I have started teaching a Spiritual Disciplines Study to the girls in my bible study. Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Soul.
The seasons have changed as well. It’s extremely warm lately. I can’t stop sweating. The sad thing is, its only going to get hotter.
Below are some pictures from the month!