I have learned to...
- Live alone. The past 6 years I have lived in and out of dorm rooms. Then I went from all of that to a 2 bed room by myself half way around the world.
- Drive a stick shift. Learning to drive here alone was has been crazy much less learn to drive all over again.
- Learn to speak a language sufficiently.
- Make new friends from all over!
- Catch a vision for the ministry that lies ahead! Oh the things God's going to do!
-See doors open for our ministry on campus!
- Lean on my Savior more than ever before....
That last one has been my biggest lesson of all. Without that all the things above I have learned would not be possible.
I got to take a break from TZ and head up to Kenya to see some good friends. Below is some love a giraffe gave me and the after shock!
HAHAHAHAHA. There were too many people there when I went with the T fam. Way to go on kissing a giraffe!!!! Love ya sister!