Jun 19, 2011

Bloom where we are planted

Friday night I went up to the university to attend a ladies b*ble study, only this week I was leading. They had been going thru the women of the b*ble and had asked me to do the life of Mary, mother of Je$us after His birth. Well unfortunately the B*ble doesn't give us a whole lot about her. So I began digging and low and behold, she gives us some examples to live by. I talked about humility,faith and service. Over time I began sharing things from my own life where I had to practice being humble, one recent experience in particular from Zambia. Im not going to tell the story, but basically flesh and spirit were at war, and thankfully spirit won, this led to discussion on what is the definition of gossip.... hmmm.... touchy subject I found out... These girls are solid, great new friends of mine, and Im so blessed that they would let me in their group!

I've been reading in my spare time, " Loving God with all your mind," by Elizabeth George. "By determining to be the best we can be wherever we are, you and I can also bloom where we are planted. So where has God 'planted' you? Are you a missionary in Africa (why yes!) living in a mud hut or a widow roaming thru a partial empty home? Wherever God puts you He has a purpose. Whatever the situation it is an opportunity to " go on" and bear fruit for His kingdom. However difficult the circumstances, He will enable you to accomplish something for Him as you look to Him and focus on being useful to Him and others."

Hmmm..... more matter how difficult the circumstance, no matter how bad traffic gets, no matter how bad I am at swahili that day, no matter now homesick I get.... no matter what He is with me, pushing me, holding my hand.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I needed to hear this today! Thank you for sharing. Continuing to pray for you. Love you, A
