1.) My hand held juicer- Ha! I know.... but its true, I have become severely addicted to limeade since I have been here, I normally squeeze 2 kilos at a time and freeze a bunch and make a seperate jug of sugar water so its all ready when I want it.
2.) A good set of knives- I dont care who you are but if you like to cook or dont like to cook- you WILL be cooking. Embrace it. Guys can go out to eat, Im sure they dont care about rice and beans on the side of the road every night, but us girls care, atleast I do. So bring them just like 3 good ones different sizes. Even a small cutting board too. Youd be amazed if you start asking people now in your life good go to recipes of things home made you can do for one. Cooking for one is so hard- so learn to do items you can freeze. I have learned to embrace my kitchen, you can too.
3.) Spices that I like. My mom uses dill for a lot of cold salads. Seasoning salt is a must. The spice isle due to our indian influence overwhelms me. You can get basil, thyme, etc .... Ive been learning to embrace fresh herbs as well. (Tip: wash them and let them dry and then wrap them damp paper towels in a ziplock and they will stay fresh)
4.) Speaking of Ziplocks! They are very expensive overseas so bring a various collection and then just wash and reuse.
5.) Exercise equipment- Your prob thinking.... WHAT?! But seriously, Just some basic arm bands, maybe a video or 2 and a yoga ball and youll be set. Everyone needs an outlet. Most likely your not going to be in a place you can run the neighborhood or hit the local gym... but still need some type of release. So make your own. I can go up to the local university and play tennis or run on the track but its not safe to run down my street, so find out what its like where you are and stay active!
6.)Ample supply of what you think you may need product wise: Shampoo, lotion, umm "girl stuff", deodrant!, face wash-- I have looked on our shelves for things just to see ( I brought everything and just keep a stash) and I was right to bring what I did!
7.) Comforts: Fav candy, maybe a few boxes of kraft mac and cheese, pics from home or even decorations to hang in your room, some magazines you really like- whatever it takes to make you feel at home so very far away bring it! I brought a few cork boards from my college dorm room and pre made pics inside photo sleeves to keep the humidity from destroying them and some double sided tape along with string, it makes for fun decoration and reminds me of people who love me and praying for me. See Pic below...
Thats all I can think of for now....
Seriously, I use my same 3 knives and cutting board almost every day! and my blender! I'm always thinking, "If I moved far away, what could I not live without?" I make casseroles in mini loaf pans all the time and freeze them. Delish!